Special Palestine

Our next screening will be focused on Palestine and our donations will go to Palestine Children Relief Fund & Palestinian Red Crescent Society. We will be screening films from the 1970s alongside more recent ones. We will announce more films as we secure them, we are contacting filmmakers at the moment. We want to provide a sense of history to the recent events and foreground voices from Palestinian women. We hope to have a discussion after the screening with people more knowledgeable than we are. We want it to be space to learn, reflect, and grieve.

We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, through the present horror and for a free Palestine.

If you’d like to get involved, or know people who might want to join the discussion please let us know by DMs.
We thank the @palfilminstitute for letting us screen Scenes of the Occupation by Mustafa Abu Ali (1973), @anothergazejournal for their help in getting two films that will be announced soon. @dayna_ash , @yasminerifaii & @malakmroueh for helping us setting up this programme.

Scenes From The Occupation by Mustafa Abu Ali (1973): A rare film by the legendary filmmaker Mustafa Abu Ali, one of the founders of the Palestine Film Unit, the first filmic arm of the Palestinian revolution. Shot by a French news team, the footage was edited by Mustafa in Lebanon to produce one of the earliest films on the occupied territory in Gaza. Scenes of the Occupation from Gaza employs experimental editing techniques to produce a cinematically and politically subversive film. The film won the prize as best film at the Damascus Film Festival in 1973 and was screened at multiple festivals. It was the only film produced by the Palestine Cinema Group, which in 1974 became the Palestine Cinema Institute.