Seas of Stories

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Your QFN curator Jules @jlfphotography has curated this upcoming screening for @weareayafilms & @wecurateit. Sunday 29 Octobre 7:30pm @transmissionglasgow. So proud

Seas of stories explore the relationships between humans and non-human creatures as they encounter each other in water and on land and show us how the two worlds are always connected. With a strong Indigenous focus, this programme showcases stories from Canada, Australia, and the Pacific alongside Scottish and Nordic folklore.

Seals’kin by Hanna Tuulikki, Scotland, 2022 @hanna_tuulikki

The Mountain of SGaana by Christopher Auchter (Haida), Canada 2017 @artist_silvershadow

The Selkie, Monade Li, France, 2019 @monade_li

Lumaajuq, Alethea Arnaquq-Baril (Inuk), Canada, 2010 @alethea_aggiuq

Naji, Terry Hunter (Bardi/Goolarabooloo/Yindjibarndi) & Kimberley West (Noongar), Australia, 2015

Daniel Sousa, Dean Hamer & Joe Wilson, Hawai’i, 2023 @aikanefilm