But I’m a Cheerleader

Next QFN is a Guilty Pleasure!

Join us to watch the 1999 iconic film But I’m a Cheerleader directed by Jamie Babbit about conversion therapy. This campy comedy full of vibrant pinks and blues denounces the non-sensical heteronormativity and gender training of the “True Direction” conversion therapy. 17 years old clueless lesbian Megan is sent to “True Direction” after her family and friends hold an intervention in which she is accused of not wanting to kiss her boyfriend, having pictures of women in her locker and eating tofu! There, she meets “ex-gay” Mike played by RuPaul and writes the inspired lyrics “God is great God is straight” before falling for Graham, an unapologetic lesbian who takes her to her first gay bar “Cocksucker”.

We won’t say no more, (re)discover this classic campy film with us on the 12th of September.

Followed by a discussion.