Queer Film Night is a volunteer led organisation. We organise screenings at the Edinburgh Student Housing Coop. We started making our own films, a documentary and an animated selkie film. We also run video and photography workshops. Join us for the screenings, come learn new skills at the workshops and support us and our productions.

  • Composition Workshop

    Sunday 13th of April 2-4pm Our second workshop is about composition, shot types and camera movements. Now that we’ve learnt how to use your camera in manual mode, let’s take the next step and think about how to compose your shots. Ever heard about the rule of thirds or wondered how to make your portraits…

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  • Queerness Outside Cities.

    Queerness Outside Cities.

    Tuesday 11th March 8pm @eshcoop In this very special screening we will see three films that intimately explore the lives of queer people living in rural spaces and their relationship to nature. Alongside Niall Moorjani’s beautiful non-binary selkie tale. Made by the very own QFN team A Different Home asks what “home” means for queer people…

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  • Next screenings

    We’re delighted to announce the next few screenings of a different home:

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  • Photography Workshop

    Photo workshop 1/5: Camera settings 9th March 2-4pm @wordsandactions.edinburgh First of a series of five, this workshop is open to beginner and more advanced photographers and videographers. Our 2 hour hands-on workshops will cover topics such as camera operations: shutter speed, aperture, focus, photo and video editing, shot composition, lighting, etc. We will come with our…

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  • Editing Workshop

    Sunday 19th of January 2-4pm at Words and Actions for Peace. @securescotland@wordsandactions.edinburgh In this workshop we will cover basics of editing for beginners and go in depth with more advanced photographers. We will cover both colour and black & white. Attendees can come with photos they took and edited but would like to revisit or raw…

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